The Kids Aren't Alright: Reimagining Education
Kitchen Street
2:30PM – 4PM

From underfunding and crumbling buildings to the presence of police in schools, over testing and the rigid curriculum (not to mention private schools), our education system remains a key site for the reproduction of class and racial inequalities across society. 

What would it look like if education had a different purpose- to bring about greater equality? What can we learn from a country like Finland? And why are abolitionist demands key to achieving this alternative? 

Join activists from the NEU, No More Exclusions, alongside Jeremy Corbyn and the former Education Minister of Finland, for a free flowing conversation about these questions and more.


Li Andersson is the leader of the Finish Left Alliance and education minister in the last Finish government

Ellie Sharp is a primary school teacher, NEU activist and past chairperson of the London NEU New & Young Educators Network. She is the author of Lessons in Organising: What Trade Unionists Can Learn from the War on Teachers, published by Pluto Press

MP for Islington North and former leader of The Labour Party.

No More Exclusions is a Black-led and community-based abolitionist grassroots coalition movement.

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