As militant action is increasingly accepted as necessary, many activists find themselves facing violence and criminalisation for the first time. Young people enthusiastically throw themselves into activism only to burn out a few years later. Care work is often devalued and within our movement spaces, abuse remains common - too often, our mechanisms for addressing it are inadequate. The language of abolition is becoming common, but is it reflected in how we organise together? This session will explore what radical care in movement spaces can look like.
Latifa Akay is a writer, facilitator and producer. She works at Act Build Change where she leads on the organisation’s collective care work. Latifa is a trustee at the Inclusive Mosque Initiative.
Eleanor Penny is a writer, researcher and broadcaster. She hosts the Verso Books Podcast and Novara FM.
Resist Renew
Jess O'Thomson is a legal researcher and journalist, with a focus on trans and disabled human rights.